16 July 2007

A day at the spa

Matt and i decided that after with our tense island life we needed to get away for a day of relaxation. so, drop the kids off at school and hop the ferry for peter island! the kids were a bit annoyed, protesting by saying "you're spending your day off withuout US!?!?!" the nerve!

I think matt looks like a playboy in this picture...he is just missing his pipe, ascot, and monacle..or do i mean dandy? either one.

i think we should have one of these put into the house...complete with the beach, palm trees and ocean

after his massage...i'm not sure ive ever seen him this relaxed!

as and afterthought, several weeks later we were on a friend's boat circling peter island, which is large-ish and the resort takes up a small portion of it. as we were driving around jed says "whoa whoa whoa, THIS is peter island?!?! WHERE'S THE SPA????" needless to say i got a few eyebrows raised on that one.

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