17 July 2007

ode to sams from ann

There once were 4 mothers called S.A.M.S
Whose hobbies did not involve Jams
They preferred to relax
Their brain not to tax
With ‘Hello!’ and cocktails and FAM’s

We bonded ‘neath skies painted blue
Stress free drink flowed, the sea was our loo
An ear tickle flirt
A poem from Bert
Shan, Dan and Ann, Justine too

Shannon so special and rare
Her big heart so willing to share
A mother supreme
(With interesting dreams..)
And beauty beyond compare

Justine so gorgeous and slim
Came to BVI on a whim
She brightened the lives
Of mothers and wives
That’s she’s leaving is oh such a sin

What can I say about Dan?
The picture of all that is glam
She hides it quite well
But SAM’s can all tell
She really ‘don’t give a damn’!

You may think I’ve forgotten about me
Well with Ann you get what you see
She’s busy it’s true
But without lots to do
She’d have 10 kids instead of three!

Farewell to my really good friends
We’ve laughed till we’ve cried on weekends
I’ll try not to cry
It’s not really goodbye
Lot’s of emails I promise to send (s!)

For SAMs it’s not the end of the road
For their bonds, well they’re made out of gold
Every two years they’ll meet
Their bodies mistreat
Of this legends are sure be told

shan, dan, ann and justine too


the vaughan's 10th anniversary

justine and simon celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. they hosted a party at oscar's (matt had already left island for tucson) and simon wrote justine a song, and the pianist played it for them. it was one of the best nights i had on tortola!

danielle looks on wistfully, wishing that simon would write HER a song...

visar fun day

virgin islands search and rescue (visar) holds its annual fundraiser on virgin gorda at leverick bay. arian drove us over in his BIG ORANGE RIB and we had a great time. the funny part was that the visar rescue boat is the same as his (arian is the island dealer of these boats) so even though we rode 45 minutes on one to virgin gorda, i still had to pay so the kids could ride on the visar boat.

jed and james get ready for the egg-in-spoon-race. clearly, by the look on james' face he posesses his mother's competitive streak!
a little game of tug-of-war
simon gets in on the action in the "frozen t shirt" competition. they hand out tshirts in the pool that have been wet and frozen into a bolck of ice. the contestants must bust apart the ice an melt it, and be the first ot get the tshirt on in order to win. simon was the winner due to his ingenious method of peeing on it! just kidding!

mothers day

it just wouldn't be mothers day without SAMS.

pictures from tamarind club

a fine place to bring the kids, kick back a few and float in the pool. hanging out one day after school with the kids, jacques and sebastian.

some random shots of island life

Here is a great picture of the sun setting behind jost, overlooking brewers bay (opposite side of our house). I pulled over to get this picture because of the sea is glowing in between jost and the other island (is that little jost van dyke?)
Jed and james having a peaceful playtime together.
this was a supposed "wild parrot" that showed up to oscar's one day. he was so wild i got him to eat out of my hand! he eventually flew down and landed on my shoulder! the kids were particularly impressed exclaiming "mom!you look like a pirate!" I'm not a big fan of parrots, but this guy was so cool that i was almost converted...almost...then he took a big chunk out of my finger! niiiice birdie! he hung out at oscars a few days and then flew off...presumably home.
This is a picture of matt's last day at oscar's. he did a great job and we were ALL very proud of him.

16 July 2007

bucks fizz dog club

women and dogs go together like prosceco and orange juice...at least that was the idea behing the bucks fizz dog club! and we let the kids come, too. and judging from the photo sebastian...hey! who let the man in?

stormy day at long bay

this was a trip to long bay after matt's last day at oscar's. it was a sad day, but we tried to lighten the mood with several bottles of veuve clicquot..i think it worked!

dolphin discovery

for quincy's 8th birthday she wanted to go to dolphin discovery. we agreed, but it took months to finally redeem that promise! since jed REALLY wanted to do it too, we agreed that quincy could invite a friend along. when our good frind sebastian cought wind of the plan, he decided to come along with his son jacques, jacques' mom, jess and cousin jahde. quincy invited her friend and personal idol, ellie. at the last minute, matt decided to join in! unfortunately my camera ran out of batteries in the middle of it, but we bought the video...which of course is not downloadable (that i can figure out, at least. so here are a few pics...

best of all, sebastian used his connections to get some extra privilages...including doing the WHOLE program twice with another group of dolphins! then they got to do training exercises in the water with them! all in all it was a fun and special day for everyone!

A day at the spa

Matt and i decided that after with our tense island life we needed to get away for a day of relaxation. so, drop the kids off at school and hop the ferry for peter island! the kids were a bit annoyed, protesting by saying "you're spending your day off withuout US!?!?!" the nerve!

I think matt looks like a playboy in this picture...he is just missing his pipe, ascot, and monacle..or do i mean dandy? either one.

i think we should have one of these put into the house...complete with the beach, palm trees and ocean

after his massage...i'm not sure ive ever seen him this relaxed!

as and afterthought, several weeks later we were on a friend's boat circling peter island, which is large-ish and the resort takes up a small portion of it. as we were driving around jed says "whoa whoa whoa, THIS is peter island?!?! WHERE'S THE SPA????" needless to say i got a few eyebrows raised on that one.

Matt skirfs (or is that skurfs?)

Matt gave surfing/water skiing. Very fun!

when he was finished i think we decided he liked it....what do you think...

its not easy being X-TREME!

...actually it is pretty to be extreme when richard drives the boat over to smuggs for a little, ummm, extremity?

Jess enjoys the sun and awesome weather...also the fact theat the children weren't allowed for the boat ride made it a touch easier to enjoy.
matt and richard
Jess wakeboards and shows 'em how its done.
matt decided to skurf (or is it skirf?) which is water skiing on a surfboard.

and finally richard show off his skills.

a day at smuggs

Richard invited us over for one of his last days at the OL' Smugglers Cove House *sigh* The winds fo change are a blowin....

But here are some pictures of the day when we hit the beach.

The children look peaceful, but it is a ruse. they were all fighting over the wakeboard they are sitting on....ahhhhh...I love photography...no sound, just peaceful children.

This is a beautiful sunset

and another beautiful sunset...i think this day we saw the green flash

Would it be a day at the beach without the Wooster?

29 May 2007

couples night!

cedar school had an auction where excess and showing off was key ($3000 for a bottle of Moet???) but it did provide for some photos of the island's hottest couples!justine and simon looking like they are ready for the prom rather than a school fundraiser
the lady of the evening and her doting husband. Ann was the MC of the evening and also sang a song AND it was her birthday! now THAT is dedication!
and here is Ann again, this time with her doting SAM, dan....show the love baby!
Matt and Pete making a striking couple
dan with another cuddle for another person who is NOT her husband...was Chris even there?